
Pet Weight/Medication Strength Vitality Member Price Non-Member Price
Compounded Caps • Oral Suspension • Chewable Treats $45-$80/30-day • $78-$138/90-day $45-$80/30-day • $78-$138/90-day

photo of orange long haired kitten and black and brown long haired puppy

Your dog is as upset about bladder leakage as you are.
When your dog urinates in inappropriate places, your first thought may be to wonder what happened to her housetraining. But often, the cause of misplaced pee is urinary incontinence that results from urethral sphincter hypotonus — a treatable condition.

Does your dog leak?
One in five dogs is affected by urinary incontinence due to urethral sphincter hypotonus, a condition in which the urethral muscle is weak and unable to control urine leaks. In fact, your dog may be unaware that she’s leaking urine.

Learn how to manage urinary incontinence.
If your dog is leaking urine, chances are that she can’t control it. Fortunately, the medical issue that causes misplaced pee is treatable, thanks to PROIN ER and PROIN.


Information on this medication quoted from

* These medications are not for human consumption or application.
** Prices subject to change without notice. Please call pharmacy to check prices.
