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NextGenRx is your neighborhood pharmacy serving northeast Oklahoma, from our south Broken Arrow and midtown Tulsa locations.
We carry hundreds of medications for less than $10 per month. Let NextGenRx give you cost evaluation on your current medications by filling out the Price Check Medication Quote Request Form.
Testosterone Cypionate
Uses This medication is used in men who do not make enough of a natural substance called testosterone….
Testosterone Enathate (generic Delatestryl)
Uses This medication is used in men who do not make enough of a natural substance called testosterone….
Testosterone (compounded)
Testosterone Plus 1 Ingredient (compounded)
Testosterone Plus 2 Ingredients (compounded)
Top 25 Most Common Generic Medications
Men’s Health Testosterone Cypionate (Depo-Testosterone) 10ml vial: $90 walk-in/$80 vitality Testosterone in men is responsible for many functions. Those…
Compounded Hormone (three-ingredient combo)
Examples: Ingredient examples include Estrogen/Progesterone/Testosterone
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (Pregnyl & Organon)
Uses This medication is a hormone used in boys (before puberty) to cause the normal dropping of the…
Compounded Hormone (single ingredient)
Examples: Ingredient examples include Estradiol, Estriol, BI-EST or Testosterone
Compounded Hormone (two-ingredient combo)
Examples: Ingredient examples include Estrogen with Testosterone, or Estrogen with Progesteone