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NextGenRx is your neighborhood pharmacy serving northeast Oklahoma, from our south Broken Arrow and midtown Tulsa locations.

We carry hundreds of medications for less than $10 per month. Let NextGenRx give you cost evaluation on your current medications by filling out the Price Check Medication Quote Request Form.

Testosterone Cypionate

Non-Member Price: $90 / 10ml
Member Price: $80 / 10ml

Uses This medication is used in men who do not make enough of a natural substance called testosterone….

Testosterone Enathate (generic Delatestryl)

Non-Member Price: $95 / 5ml
Member Price: $90 / 5ml

Uses This medication is used in men who do not make enough of a natural substance called testosterone….

Testosterone (compounded)

Non-Member Price: $78 / 30-day (once daily)
Member Price: $78 / 30-day (once daily)

Testosterone Plus 1 Ingredient (compounded)

Non-Member Price: $78 / 30-day (once daily)
Member Price: $78 / 30-day (once daily)

Testosterone Plus 2 Ingredients (compounded)

Non-Member Price: $98 / 30-day (once daily)
Member Price: $98 / 30-day (once daily)

Top 25 Most Common Generic Medications

Men’s Health Testosterone Cypionate (Depo-Testosterone) 10ml vial: $90 walk-in/$80 vitality Testosterone in men is responsible for many functions. Those…

Compounded Hormone (three-ingredient combo)

Non-Member Price: $68 / 30-day (once daily)
Member Price: $68 / 30-day (once daily)

Examples: Ingredient examples include Estrogen/Progesterone/Testosterone

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (Pregnyl & Organon)

Non-Member Price: $218 / 1 box (10,000 units)
Member Price: $210 / 1 box (10,000 units)

Uses This medication is a hormone used in boys (before puberty) to cause the normal dropping of the…

Compounded Hormone (single ingredient)

Non-Member Price: $58 / 30-day (once daily)
Member Price: $58 / 30-day (once daily)

Examples: Ingredient examples include Estradiol, Estriol, BI-EST or Testosterone

Compounded Hormone (two-ingredient combo)

Non-Member Price: $65 / 30-day (once daily)
Member Price: $65 / 30-day (once daily)

Examples: Ingredient examples include Estrogen with Testosterone, or Estrogen with Progesteone
